Statistics show that over half of our children entering first grade are already overweight or obese. Our civilized world has turned us, and our children, into comfort-seekers, “physical minimalists,” and an audience that brings news of the world, nature of the great outdoors, sports, and entertainment into our homes via remote control. While adults can be motivated and disciplined enough not to gain extra pounds, children may not understand that gaining additional pounds early could cause health problems later. In reality, the kids’ problem is an adult problem.
I wish I could suggest an easy fix, but there is none. However, there are three major areas
we must recognize:
- We need to get back to basics – back to doing things again rather than ordering othersto do it for us, i.e., washing the car, gardening – and have our children help us. Beingphysical has become a chore, what used to be a daily routine is now considered an extraordinary effort. Children do not know how life used to be; they are born into a computerized age and enjoy more services and conveniences than any generation before us.
- We will never be successful with our younger generation unless we change our own lifestyles and become role models for our children so they will become role models for their children.
- It is the duty of our schools, and particularly the fitness industry, to take the lead in finding solutions, activities and programs, easily accessible to everyone. A club interested in opening a children’s program should consider the following:
• Select an age group with which you’d like to start. All age groups have distinctive growth characteristics and developmental needs.
• Have a separate department within your club not shared by club members.
• Have a program that is not only age-appropriate, but a curriculum that turns kids on! FUN is the three-letter word that motivates kids to become physical and more energetic.
• Select equipment that is portable, interlocking, and can be set-up in many different ways. Children want to come into a new and fun environment every week that is challenging and provides elements of problem solving.
• Set-up your program with a philosophy that is not membership oriented.
• A good teacher is the key to a successful program.
When is the best time to start a children’s program?
The best time is September; about one week after the school year begins. This is the time when parents make arrangements for extracurricular activities. Starting the program with your spring semester could be an option, but your spring and summer term should really be the marketing period for your grand opening in the fall.
How should the kids’ business model differ from that of my club?
With kids, you are no longer selling memberships. Regularly scheduled classes must be offered with a minimum commitment of eight weeks. This is necessary for students to develop systematically as the instructor follows a prescribed curriculum. Parents register for classes conducted on specific days and times over a determined period of time. The program should be sold to parents as an ongoing learning process over an entire school year (32 weeks). Hopefully students will re-enroll every eight weeks. New students may also enroll at that time.
How can I find the right instructor?
Contact your local colleges and interview seniors that have time to teach after-school or morning classes. Advertise for retired school teachers that are interested in children’s fitness and part-time work. Mothers who have raised children often make good candidates. It is not always necessary to hire a college-degreed physical educator. Often, early childhood majors and preschool teachers do better with younger children, while a physical educator does well with programs for older students.
Send those you select to training facilities that provide good training and offer certification. With this, you will be able to sign a long-term contract with your new employee. Make sure you have someone you can trust – someone who has loyalty, enthusiasm, and commitment to the program. Frequent staff turnover can be damaging to a child’s progress and the success of your program. If the teacher has fun, the children will too. Support your staff and listen to your students’ parents.
How should the program be promoted?
Create exciting literature with your philosophy and specific course descriptions. Market to your club membership and offer free trial classes, first semester half price, etc. Stage special events, i.e., open houses and birthday parties that allow people to view your facility and go home with a complimentary class coupon and valid brochure. Send press
releases to neighborhood newspapers announcing the uniqueness of your program and include pictures of children on the equipment. Align yourself with local elementary schools and preschools. They might hand out brochures and/or recommend you to parents. Explain your philosophy to the principal. It is all about learning to move and moving to learn. Your best publicity will always be word of mouth, as the quality of your program develops.
Siegfried Gerstung is the President of Gerstung Inter-Sport. He can be contacted at
866.572.6035, or by email at