Do you want to significantly boost your membership sales and add at least an extra dollar to your monthly dues? Achieve this by selling a relationship to a prospective member versus the more logical transactional sale. In this article, we will talk about how software can boost the type of members you currently attract; drive higher closing ratios/due rates, and keep those members. But, before we get started, keep in mind that your business is not software! By using the services of a professional software provider, you can stay focused on running your business. The right software will simplify many of your current processes and it will be quick and easy for your staff to learn.
A prospective member usually walks into a club thinking, “Oh yeah, just like last time, I was put on some program by some staff person, but I wasn’t sure if it was the right program for me, and then I never saw that staff person again…”
From ads, radio, TV… the public is bombarded with claims of personal service with less than 1% of clubs actually delivering personal service. As a salesperson, you see your “walk-in’s” eyes glass over when you talk about personalized, individualized support. Don’t just talk about personal support and service…Prove it!
Proving Personal Service
With unique software, linked to your club’s website, you can give each of your members a personal portal (website). Your members can have a direct link to you, their fellow members, a personal calendar, online scheduling, fitness programs, club news and other value-added services. After a physical tour of your club, you can simply login the prospective member as a sample member, or even create their own personal portal. The member’s personal portal is a powerful marketing/closing tool that focuses your salesperson and the prospective member on their personal goals, needs and your club’s individualized level of personal service. A higher level of personal service will always make the prospective member feel special, linked to you, and linked to their fellow members.
Relationship-Based Selling
About 80% of all buying decisions are emotional and have little to do with features or price. People don’t pay a premium to fly first class to get there faster, or pay $15 for a Martini at the Ritz for a better drink versus their neighborhood pub. The level of service may be slightly higher, but what they are really paying for, is to feel special.
A relationship based on trust and responsiveness, coupled with value-added personal member services, is a powerful tool for your club. You will drive new member sales, due rates, referrals and retention. Only you can create emotionally bonded members!
Don’t Forget the “Almost Customer” General customer service, well-kept facilities and state-of-the-art equipment leads to functional members who are driven by convenience. The most valuable, emotionally committed members want to be recognized as individuals and supported through their journey. “Almost Customers” tend to exhibit weak purchasing habits and exercise behavioral patterns. However, if those members are supported at an important moment in their life, it is likely you will keep them for many years.
“Almost Customers” Need:
• Confidence: Increasing your member’s initial level of confidence and sense of belonging is the number one driver of both sales and retention.
• Accountability: Asking new members to be accountable to themselves only works if we are accountable to them.
• Convenience: The best solutions only work if they are readily available, easy to use and intuitive.
Providing Cost-Effective Personal Service
Software technology based on CRM (Customer Relationship Management) enables your club to better serve your members through organizing and automating your processes and procedures. Members receive a balanced mixture of automated and personal oneon- one contact.
The right software should be able to mirror the look of your club’s website. Retention is only built if your member knows the value is coming directly from your club, and if that member is emotionally connecting to the club. The main misconception of CRM, is that it is only software instead of a whole business strategy to drive membership sales, faceto- face contact, internal efficiencies and retention.
Our future market, and the fastest growing high margin market, is the middle-aged to older, inexperienced exercisers. Trends, fads and the latest equipment are not going to link you to these members. What will? Being available to those members when they really need your support through one-on-one contact, education and software training tools.
Start with the default processes of a professional software provider, and automate some of your club’s current systems to ensure that each of your members has a consistent and successful experience!
With the right software, you will be able to provide your members with that extra level of personal support that furthers their emotional connection to your club. Emotionally loyal members spend 10% more; are 30% more likely to remain members, and are 50% more likely to recommend your club!
Scott Johnston is the CEO of InTouch. He can be contacted at 877.521.9937, or by email at, or visit