If you ask club owners what ails them these days you get all types of answers, but one of the regular responses I hear is, “We just do not get enough traffic anymore.” It’s true; there are more fitness options than ever, yet the number of people interested in joining hasn’t kept pace with the proliferation of new competition. While marketing and increasing awareness is vital, it’s wise not to spend all your time trying to create traffic, unless you have an aggressive follow-up system for existing leads.
Way too many clubs, even those with above average sales people and higher first-time closing ratios, often fail miserably if a prospect doesn’t join on the first visit or after a few poorly executed follow up calls. True follow up is not just a call back, but a structured conversion program that consist of regular calls, e-mails, texts, letters, multiple incentives, increased value, trial periods and guarantees that make the decision as easy as possible. Otherwise, all you’re giving away is a lead. You must be following up!
Frank Emanuel
Health Club Marketing Contributor