Farrell’s eXtreme Bodyshaping, in Des Moines, Iowa, announced a record-breaking year for 2011. The franchise has now reached 42 locations in nine states — up from 34 locations in six different states in 2010.
In addition to these milestones, Farrell’s set a world record in November 2011, for the longest kickboxing class at 36 continuous hours. The record was part of a larger event for the Special Olympics of Iowa where $5,000 was raised for the organization.
Also in 2011, Farrell’s launched two new programs in addition to its original eXtreme Bodyshaping class.The first is FitStart, a lower impact program geared towards participants who need some simple modifications to accommodate for any physical limitations they might have. The second is KickStart, an introductory class that gives information needed to get started with basic nutrition, strength training and kickboxing before beginning a 10-week session. On top of new class offerings, in 2011 Farrell’s began offering a 100 percent money back guarantee for any participant not satisfied with their results.
“This past year has been one of the best yet in our 10 years of existence including highlights of the new FitStart and KickStart programs and setting a world record,” said Lance Farrell, the founder of Farrell’s eXtreme Bodyshaping. “Most of all, I’m excited that the same type of high-interest level that Iowans have had for our 10-week sessions over the past ten years is being replicated by students in new locations throughout the country. Our success has allowed us not only to change our participants’ lives, but also to be able to support a wide variety of charities we feel strongly about.”
For more information about Farrell’s extreme Bodyshaping visit www.extremebodyshaping.com.