This is always a big question: what is proper dress for staff members? I believe there is really no right or wrong answer to this question. The big part of any uniform is how it is worn. If you require your staff to wear khakis and polo shirts and they come to work wrinkled or not pressed, that looks bad, even though they are in khakis and polo shirts. If it’s not polished, then to me that can look worse than if someone is wearing a nice pair of club shorts and a club t–shirt – as long as what they’re wearing is tucked in and wrinkle free. We also look at the type of area we are in as well. If we are selling memberships in downtown New York City, it’s kind of expected that everyone will look a certain way. If we are selling memberships at a club in western Nebraska, where the only people that wear dress clothes are the bankers in town, then khakis and a polo probably are not the best choice. Whatever your choice of uniform is, it’s how you wear that uniform that impresses.
Eric Vyborny
Fitness Marketing Contributor
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Rachel Zabonick-Chonko is the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at