Odds are that you get a decent amount of complaints, unsolicited suggestions and recommendations. No matter how hard you try, your clients and members will always want more. It’s just the way it is. For years we have been using suggestion boxes, surveys and more to try to help the members feel that we are listening. However, even if the issue is eventually resolved, members are normally not well informed as to the status or rebuttal to their question, suggestion or complaint.
While visiting a little town in New Zealand I stopped into the local health club to check out the scene. To my surprise they had a fantastic facility, really top notch stuff. But one thing stood out to me more than anything else, they had a peg board near the front desk with member comment cards and follow up answers posted below. This club understands customer service better than most; sometimes admitting your faults and solving problems in a transparent way is more valuable than anything.
At this club members were invited to add suggestions, complaints or random thoughts to boxes placed throughout the facility. Every couple of days a staff member would empty the boxes and post all of the cards on the peg board, yes even the bad ones. Then they would respond to each item with an update on what they are doing to solve the problem. They would keep updating the status of each item until a resolution was reached and then the item was taken down.
Transparency and communication with your members is priceless, the more they feel that their opinion matters, the more loyalty they will have to your business. I recommend that every fitness business have a system similar.
Chris Batchelor
Health Club Marketing Contributor