Walk into just about any heath food store and you are faced with more choices and brands than in the history of the supplement industry. Moreover, flipping through the pages of most fitness and bodybuilding magazines these days is no different. You see countless ads with headlines that all make exactly the same claims.
So, it’s no wonder that consumers are woefully confused. And, it’s also no wonder that consumers are now more jaded and skeptical than ever before when it comes to nutritional supplements. Fortunately, there are actually a handful of worthy products on the market today that are backed by solid research and have stood the test of time. Examples are creatine, vitamin and mineral products, amino acids, AAKG, and protein powders.
This same phenomenon can also be seen on popular message boards across the Internet. You see, it has become standard practice for supplement users (mostly younger kids) to post their current product “stacks” for other board members to critique. In the end, here is the problem. Usually, these “stacks” consist of no less than eight or more products, so how could the individual possibly know which products are actually providing results?
This is precisely where you and your staff come in. And, it’s also where you cash in on this confusion at the same time. Now, please don’t misunderstand me here. I’m not talking about taking advantage of good people just to make a profit. Rather, I’m specifically speaking about guiding clients down the correct path where they will receive the greatest overall benefit. And you, in turn, are rewarded with increased profits and long-term loyalty for doing so.
What follows is a simple, three-step method for providing the best overall experience for your members.
Step #1: Learn as much as you can about the products you currently sell or are thinking about recommending.
Simply put, you and your staff are the experts in the eyes of your clients. So, make sure you are properly armed with the knowledge you need to answer the questions you will likely be asked. With all the information that is freely available via the Internet these days, it’s never been easier to educate yourself at such a lightening-fast pace.
For example, I speak with dieticians and trainers all the time that call me to make sure our products are clean and meet label claims. You see, they train very high-end clients, such as NFL and NBA athletes with multi-million-dollar contracts. As you can guess, they know that one bad recommendation could literally cost them and their client their careers.
To avoid this catastrophic event, you should always call and speak directly with someone at the company to get your questions answered. You should also request, if not demand, copies of the “Certificates of Analysis” for each product you will carry and promote. You might be surprised to find out just how many products either don’t have certificates readily available or simply refuse to give them to you. Trust me, a little due diligence on your part will go a long way.
Step #2: Get your clients’ diets and training programs right FIRST.
Despite what most ads claim, the purpose of supplements is just that: to supplement. So, whenever someone calls my company to ask questions about our products, I always try to answer their question with one of mine: “How do you currently eat and train?” Why do I ask this? Because if there is one thing I know for sure it’s this: Without a sound diet and exercise regimen, no legal product on the planet (not even mine) will do its job. And, the customer will once again be doomed to failure. Worst of all, guess who gets blamed? That’s right, my company and products. The same also goes for you and your staff.
Step #3: Only recommend what your clients truly need.
Once you know your clients are ready for supplements, get them started on the basics (e.g., protein, vitamins, creatine, glutamine, etc). In other words, don’t sell someone more products than they need just because you can.
Another word of caution. It’s very tempting to push the latest “wiz-bang” product to hit the market, especially if it’s a hot seller. However, be patient and look at the bigger picture. The few dollars you could make from this product may actually cost you much more in the long run. If it doesn’t ultimately produce as promised, or it’s later found to contain banned or unsafe ingredients that made it “work so well,” your reputation is on the line. In the end, when your clients adopt a solid diet, training and supplementation program…and they see results…they will come back to you again and again.
For more information, call Brian Andrews at 1.800.659.3406, or email him at bandrews@aaefx.com. You can also download his new FREE book called “CREATINE: Industry Insider Secrets Revealed” at www.aaefx.com.