Do you ever wonder how much members know when they are in your gym? Whether they are attending a class or working with a trainer, how much do they really understand about what you’re telling them?
One personal struggle has been the definition of “Tabata.” For months, my trainer would say “We are doing a Tabata session.” I’m sure I looked like a deer in the headlights. However, just like most everything in circuit training, you do what you’re told, go when they say “go” and stop when they say “stop.”
However, still confused by the difference between Tabata training and everything else we do, I had to do my own research. Do you make your members do their own research?
When you enroll individuals as members or training clients, how much information do you provide? Do you explain the different types of exercises and how they are benefitting them? Or, do you press them to just follow you without question?
Personally, what I’ve truly enjoyed about being involved in personal training has been learning from the trainer. There are so many opportunities to perform certain exercises at my home when I can’t make the gym. And, speaking of Tabata, my office is a good space for a quick 4- to 8-minute workout.
Spend some time with your clients helping them to understand why you push them through certain exercises. Help them to learn what they can and cannot do at their house to help enhance their training.
When members know WHY, they develop trust of their trainers. When they can do exercises on their own, it helps them to reach goals faster. By giving your members both, they will become a walking billboard for your club and services.
P.S. Tabata: “Tabata falls under the category of high intensity training or high intensity interval training.” Source:
Tyler Montgomery is the editor of Club Solutions Magazine. Contact him at