One problem that health clubs are experiencing today is their members’ problems are becoming increasingly complex. For example, they desire to look and feel better, and enjoy a higher quality of life, packaged in an enjoyable, entertaining atmosphere while they simultaneously are finding themselves with less time, discretionary income, and are suffering from increasing rates of obesity and musculoskeletal dysfunction. While the complexities of our customers’ problems are increasing, so is the availability of choices afforded to them. This unprecedented degree of choice creates an exceptional degree of consumer expectation and demand. Meaning, better facilities, products and services are irrelevant if they do not provide differentiated, diversified, fun, simple and individualized solutions from our customers’ perspective.
A member pre-assessment program can help solve this problem. It eliminates the guesswork of assessment and program design, allowing every trainer in your organization to provide each member with an individualized road map from where they are now, to where they aspire to be. An example of a member pre-assessment program consists of the member/prospect performing two exercises (overhead squat and a single leg squat) while a staff member takes a photograph. The information is then loaded into a computer. After the information is entered, a program is generated that is completely individualized and easy to implement. The program shows the member a picture of themselves performing the assessment along with step-by-step program instructions (including pictures demonstrating the performance of an exercise) that correlates each component of the program to how it will enable the customer to achieve the transformation they desire. This process turns the session into an innovative experience where the member, not the product, becomes the focus of attention.
This solution affects managers and owners by:
• Consistency: Perhaps the greatest inhibiting factor related to any purchase decision is the fear of risk or failure. The greater the consistency in the delivery of the solutions your company offers, the greater the degree of trust, confidence and the perceived efficacy of your company in the mind of your members. A preassessment program (screening) offers a complete consistency at every point of contact, with each employee in the organization.
• Revenue: Generates new revenue streams or increases current revenue from existing offers. Each preassessment screening provides a systematic approach to leading each point of contact into a presentation that offers individualized, easy to implement solutions pertaining to their problems and highest aspirations. The number of sales made is in direct proportion to the number of presentations made.
• Retention: Pre-assessment programs can serve as a member follow-up tool where the reassessment is an opportunity to, not only evaluate the program, but evaluate how the member appraises every aspect of their experience over all. Continual evaluation of each customers’ experience allows each employee and manager to suspend assumptions regarding “customer satisfaction” and truly adapt their services to align with the customers buying criteria.
The basic components of the solution.
A pre-assessment program can be sold as part of a membership package, personal training package, or as a one time fee per assessment. The licensing agreement chosen per club is based on proposed usage, allowing each club to determine the appropriate in-club fee for pre-assessment programs. This allows the club to determine their own profit margin. The technology is simple, which keeps overhead costs down. Clubs will need a computer, on-line access and a camera for taking snapshots of the assessments. A company should provide training via a tutorial CD-ROM for training trainers to use it, keeping the time investment low as well as the stepby- step guide for implementing the preassessment program into the club (a how to install guide, sales tips and tips on how to market the product). “This process turns the session into an innovative experience where the member, not the product, becomes the focus of attention.”
What the solution does for health club members.
The process eliminates the guesswork involved with a member trying to figure out how to use all of the tools he/she purchased in the membership. It offers piece of mind in the form of consistency and re-assurance that the facility is following through on delivering the results and guidance promised when he/she first joined. This creates trust and conveys the information the member needs to feel confident about the right combination of ancillary services that would most enable them to derive a greater quality of life out of their membership experience.
Due to the increasing degree of choices afforded to prospective members, the things that made us successful in the past will not be enough to sustain our success in the future. The more we grow as an industry the greater the expectations of our market. Therefore, it’s not enough to continually get better. We must also create differentiation. Further, our points of differentiation are meaningless unless the customer sees them as more individualized, simpler, solution-based, and able to help them make the changes that are most important to them as an individual, not a market segment. High-tech must be delivered not as an alternative to, but in conjunction with, high-touch member relationships. As our customers’ problems continue to become more complex and their demands increase, it will be impossible for any company to sustain a competitive advantage. A competitive advantage must be continually re-created. Companies who fail to adapt risk could potentially become obsolete.
Bobby Cappuccio is the Director of Professional Development at NASMCPT, NASM-PES. He can be contacted at 877.521.9942, ext. 6276, or visit