What is the X2 Generation?
Answer: The X2 Generation are individuals that realize health, fitness and wellness are important to their life’s longevity. The X2 Generation believe that they are worth the effort and place importance on exercise. The X2 Generation are educating themselves on new highly effective training modalities. The X2 Generation is everyone that needs to lose weight or wants to improve themselves or maintain a good physical condition. The X2 Generation is every new person you encounter, or all of your long-time club members.
To understand what the X2 vest is, I think you need to know where the X2 vest came from. With the development of the Xvest (our professional model) in 2000 came new and productive ways to improve strength, speed and ultimately athletic performance. By 2002, the Xvest was being utilized by most of the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL and United States Olympic teams as well as the United States military, firemen and police. The Xvest, over the next two years, could be seen on ESPN, Fox Sports, Cold Pizza show on ESPN, The Today Show and in numerous magazines. The Xvest received accolades from Muscle and Fitness, Shape, Testosterone Magazine, women’s and men’s health magazines, LA Times and National Geographic Adventure. After the segment on The Today Show and the resounding response from women looking for something to boost their weight loss or fi tness programs, Xvest realized the potential and need for a consumer-friendly product. So, after 18 months of product redesign and testing, the X2 weight vest was born. It utilizes the basic design of the original Xvest – a two-piece clamshell design that allows for adjustment at the shoulders for torso length, the same weight pocket design, and the exterior material is the same – but that is where the similarities stop. We have narrowed the shoulders and upper chest and back to allow for a smaller frame. The interior material is a latex-free neoprene that is much cooler than the material used in the original Xvest. And, the X2 weight vest utilizes a one-sizefi ts-all lateral strapping system which takes the guess work out of what size to purchase. On Thursday March 9, the X2 weight vest was featured on The Today Show and again, it was an enormous success.
Why should you be interested or concerned about the X2 Generation?
Answer: Because! (I have always liked that answer.) The truth is, the X2 Generation is educated and aware. They will be asking questions and wanting you to respond with knowledgeable answers. If you do not educate yourself, you will lose business and opportunity. If you do not become proactive and become a part of the revolution, then it will pass you by and your competition will reap the benefits and profits. And, to compound your dilemma, the X2 in the next nine months is going to be everywhere. The X2 is scheduled for four shows of Fitness Insider on the Oxygen Network, it was just recently on The Today Show, and in a couple of weeks, the X2 will be on The Today Show in Australia. There are several scheduled advertisements in national and industry-specific magazines. The X2 vest is currently in talks with Good Morning America on producing a specific segment for women’s health and fitness. But, the big news is the X2 vest has been working with a physician in Chicago and 23 of his patients on a weight loss program called Fit and Fertile. These ladies are overweight and have had several issues with pregnancy. X2 vest, in conjunction with Dr. Laurence A. Jacobs, have embarked on helping these women in their goal story has caught the eye of several talk show producers with shows focusing on women. When this show hits the TV waves, the X2 vest will be the most important training tool in your facility, or your competition’s facility.
I also feel that I need to educate you on the function of the X2 vest. Just look around your club and also take a look at all of your members. Now envision every one of them with the X2 vest on their bodies. You have now seen the tip of the iceberg. The X2 vest can be utilized in every group class as an intensifier, on every piece of cardio equipment in your club, with every private training appointment, and even on your rock wall, or in your pool. And, because the X2 vest is adjustable in one-pound increments, everyone (yes everyone) can use the X2 vest.
How do you get involved with the X2 Generation?
Answer: First, you need to get an X2 vest to better understand its importance. The commitment of one vest will cost you about the same amount as a one-hour massage. And, if you do not like the X2 vest, you have 30 days to return it for a full refund of the purchase price. Now, if you do like the X2 vest, you can become a partner in the revolution by completing a dealer application and in return, you get special pricing that allows you to resale the X2 vest to your members and make a profit as well as the added benefits dealers receive.
Who should get involved in the X2 Generation?
Answer: Anyone involved in health, fitness and or wellness. If you are a club owner, a fitness studio owner, personal trainer or group fitness instructor, you can get involved. The commitment is minimal and the benefit is enormous.
George Morrison is the Developer of the Xvest and a Strength & Conditioning Coach. He can be contacted at 800.697.5658, or by email at info@thexvest.com, or visit www.X2vest.com or www.thexvest.com.