When asked about my favorite close, I usually say it depends; but those that seem most effective share some common characteristics. First, I get to use info given to me by the prospect. It’s visual so it incorporates more than just one sense, and finally it appeals to the common sense in us all.
One technique that has all these elements is what my associates jokingly refer to the five-finger death punch. Quite simply, I hold up my hand (VISUAL), use my fingers to list five ways the club meets their needs or addresses concerns. Using this countdown method, very few people can argue against common sense. For example, someone says, “I want to think about it.” Then the fun begins by holding up your new weapon and explaining very directly you display each finger: 1) you shared that the club had everything you needed 2) you can come in at lunch 3) your wife said you ought to do something about your waistline 4) the club is two minutes from your office and 5) you mentioned needing to do something for three months, right? Now hold up the other fist with no extended fingers. If you can give me five good reasons why you shouldn’t join, let me know otherwise … how do you want to take care of this, check or card?