How have your trainers helped to develop relationships among your members?
Over the years I have used a few different techniques for arm workouts, but for the past six months or more I’ve been on the same routine. I know I need to change things up, but I enjoy this routine.
Regardless, change was necessary. I had been thinking about it, but hadn’t yet changed. While doing my triceps workout, a trainer came up and said he had noticed I had been using the same exercise for a while (can’t believe he noticed).
It was true. He simply said, try it this way — a small variation to how I typically work my triceps. Not a major change, or a big deal, but it altered my workout just a little and pushed my triceps differently.
The advice didn’t take forever, and he didn’t go into detail about what I was doing wrong, or right with the other technique. He simply showed me an alteration. I’m grateful for that. I had seen other people in the gym use it, but it was nice that one of the trainers took notice.
I’ve never really been one to use a trainer — I have too many fitness enthusiasts around me throwing me ideas. However, ever since that one day, I have been thinking about using that trainer to help me get in really great shape.
I would have never thought about using that trainer, or any trainer for that matter, if he hadn’t just tossed me a little advice. It quickly showed me that he knew what he was talking about.
I understand that most trainers know what they are teaching. But, it’s something else when you witness first hand — regardless if you paid for it or not.
That trainer didn’t make any money by giving me that small bit of advice or taking notice in my workout. Although, he may make money in the future because of about a minute he spent giving me a tip.
It’s all about building relationships. The trainer started our relationship with a quick exercise tip. Next, he’ll be making more training dollars from my hard-earned paycheck.
So, what are your trainers doing to build relationships and stir up business among your members?
Tyler Montgomery is the Editor of Club Solutions Magazine. Contact him at