Yesterday and today, our city reached a balmy 55 degrees. And after months of abnormally frigid weather, let me tell you, it feels great! As a result, the last thing I want to do is workout inside at my gym. Instead, I’ll probably go for a run with my dog at a local park or around my neighborhood.
As spring creeps up on us, this is a story clubs will likely become familiar with. Come March and April, the “New Year’s Resolution-ers” will have curbed off their activity a bit, and some members will begin supplementing indoor workouts with outdoor ones. It’s easy to get members indoors when a Polar Vortex is freezing their pipes at home. When the sun is shining, is when more effort is necessary.
As a result, it’s about time for clubs to get creative, and this is where certain programs will shine (no pun intended).
For example, boot camps are programs that can easily be conducted both indoors and outside. The next time temperatures broach 50 degrees and above, consider asking your personal trainers to have members do a quick warm up outdoors, or even conduct the entire session outside.
Or, host a yoga or mat Pilates class in a nearby grassy area. I’m sure your members will appreciate the change of scenery and the boost in motivation a good dose of sunshine can provide.
Many clubs have found hosting outdoor classes to be successful, such as Pure Austin in Austin, Texas, which hosts a variety of outdoor classes, including yoga. In April 2014, O2 Fitness will yet again host “Shape Up Downtown,” a series of outdoor fitness classes in downtown Raleigh, N.C. that has proven successful for the O2 Fitness brand.
How are you taking fitness outdoors at your gym? Share your ideas in the comments section. And if you’re in one of the lucky cities experiencing mild weather (unless you get it year round), enjoy it while it lasts!
Rachel Zabonick is the assistant editor for Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at Reach out to her about exciting events or programs your club has implemented, or to share the amazing accomplishments of a member.
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Rachel Zabonick-Chonko is the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at