Over time, we are all exposed to toxins. Toxins cannot be metabolized by the body, and exposure to toxins is unavoidable as well as unpreventable. Ranging from environmental pollution to exposure to chemicals to an unhealthy diet, detoxing will rid the body of these pollutants. Many detox methods are currently in vogue such as colonic cleansing, and various forms of fasting. The downside with these methods is that it is a short-term solution to truly detoxing the body. You cannot healthfully fast or do colonics often enough to avoid build-up of new toxins after each of these cleanses. So, what really is the most effective way to detox? Use an infrared sauna on a regular basis.
Unlike a conventional, dry, hot, rock sauna, infrared heat penetrates the body at the cellular level, two inches deeper than hot rock. Thus, toxins which the body stores in subcutaneous fat are eliminated. With detox at this deep, penetrating level, the body also is able to lose weight. In one study performed by American researchers, the sweat of people using a conventional sauna was found to be 95 to 97% water while the sweat of those using an infrared sauna contained a much higher proportion of non-water components – principally cholesterol, fat-soluble toxins, toxic heavy metals (such as mercury and aluminum), sulfuric acid, sodium, ammonia and uric acid.
Dr. Sherry Rogers, a fellow of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, and a diplomate of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, says in her book, Detoxify or Die, that an infrared sauna is the only way of removing man-made toxins from your body. Dr. Rogers also states that bio-accumulated toxic load in the human body is responsible for all disease not attributable to bacteria or virus.
Because the skin is the largest organ in the body, regularly sweating in a far infrared sauna can help decrease the toxic load and contribute to better health and vitality. Home saunas are rapidly becoming the spa product of choice as they are portable, energy efficient and effective.
Ellen Dwyer is the Co-Owner of LuxSauna Inc. She can be contacted at 888.589.7286, or by email at info@luxsauna.com, or visit www.luxsauna.com.