Fitness has given me a passion and purpose in life. I’ve dedicated my time to improving others’ quality of life through fitness instruction. With that...
Read moreDetailsI recently came across an advertisement from a reputable personal training organization that looked something like this: anonymous female’s six pack abs, tiny shorts and...
Read moreDetailsOftentimes trainers are told by their supervisors to offer free workouts. Well that’s great, but how do you sell off of your free workout? How...
Read moreDetailsDoes it kill you when a client says, “I heard about this great new workout method the other day while I was watching this new...
Read moreDetailsProfessional fitness certifications, both group fitness and personal training, require a certain amount of continuing education credits (CECs) on an annual basis to remain certified...
Read moreDetailsTrainers really seek to be the solutions to all of the problems that their clients have. We want to help our clients achieve their goals,...
Read moreDetailsFrom the trenches: A personal trainer’s view of the health club business. These days, there are a ton of personal training certifications out there. And...
Read moreDetailsA personal trainer’s view of the health club business. IHRSA 2018 was a truly energetic and amazing experience. There were lots of fit people, tons...
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