Creating an Application
The application should be as much a part of the hiring process as the interview. You can gather a lot of information from the application that can act as another interview. We are constantly changing and updating our application to include personality tests, games, quizzes and other ways to screen an applicant. Here are a few tips to update your application.
1. Have an application that requires the applicant to:
- Spend time
- Use thought
- Use creativity
- Have fun
- Include core value questions and situations
2. “Must Haves” vs. “Like to Haves”
- Put your must have questions on the application. Example: Pay, time commitment, experience, etc.
- Like to haves will be in the interviews.
3. This eliminates the bottom 30 percent without having to spend resources interviewing them.
Recruiting Applications- The 10 to 1 Rule
Once you have your application, the goal is to collect as many applications as you can before you begin the hiring process. We use the 10 to 1 rule. We collect a minimum of 10 applications for every one person we need to hire. Before we had a recruiting process, we waited for people to come in and fill out an application and we hoped to have more people apply than people needed. We then went to 2 to 2, then 3 to 1, etc. Throughout our recruiting efforts and word of mouth referrals about our company being a great place to work, we now collect over 2,000 applications a year.
1. Use superstar staff as your best recruiters – They understand what it takes to work at GHF.
2. University relationships – Gainesville has two major colleges and they are a great place to get motivated and energetic people to work for you. Develop great relationships with the head of the departments and they will refer a lot of great people to you.
3. Host fitness workshops and seminars – If you are looking for personal trainers, group exercise instructors or specialty positions, a great way to recruit is to host seminars and Con Ed classes. If feasible, offer these for free and people will come and want to be a part of your company
4. Ads and Social Media – Both are a great way to market the different positions you are looking for.
5. Job Fairs – Attending job fairs is another way to collect applications. However, after paying to attend many job fairs with little results, we realized we could do a better job if we host our own. We now host one of Gainesville’s most successful job fairs and invite other local companies to participate.
Evaluation First Impressions
A simple but effective tool to gather more information on an applicant is to evaluate them when they are turning in an application. Most people are at their best during an interview or when speaking with a manager. What are they like when they don’t know someone is watching?
1. Train Your Front Desk Staff to Evaluate First Impressions
2. Create a list of items you want your front desk people to evaluate when someone is turning in an application. For example:
• Did they have an engaging personality?
• Were they smiling?
• Did they introduce themselves?
• Were they professional?
• What was their attitude?
• Did anything change when they spoke with a supervisor?
Shawn Stewart is the Operations Manager at Gainesville Health and Fitness Center. Contact him at
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Rachel Zabonick-Chonko is the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at