5 Customer Service Concepts all Clubs Should Master
1.You Are The Greatest Customer!
You are the source of quality customer service. Michael LeBoeuf, in his book, How To Win Customers and Keep Them For Life, writes — “People are far more persuaded by the depths of your beliefs and emotions than any amount of logic or knowledge you possess. People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care!” There is no substitute for an honest enthusiastic belief that the services we offer are the best, and the best way to demonstrate this is by utilizing the services we provide.
2. Perception is Reality
Tom Peters, an international business consultant, has said that — “Perception is all there is. There is no reality. There is only perceived reality.” What is perceived by a customer is reality to that customer. If a member perceives the locker rooms to be dirty, then the locker rooms are dirty to that member. We must understand this concept as we listen to the comments and concerns of our members and take immediate action to respond to them.
3. Moments of Truth
After EVERY interaction a member has with any aspect of our organization, whether in person, by telephone, through literature, or even contact with the physical facility, the individual will either feel better, the same, or worse. Properly managing moments of truth are critical in meeting and exceeding our customers’ expectations.
4. Emotional Bank Account
Michael LeBoeuf writes that every individual stores the effects of each “moment of truth.” A DEPOSIT is made when we help an individual feel good about himself/herself. A WITHDRAWAL is made when we fail to fulfill the needs or desires of that same individual. Emotional bank accounts require continual “deposits” to keep a positive balance. Make every effort to make each “moment of truth” a “deposit” into the account of each customer.
5. Consistency! Consistency! Consistency!
Consistent performance is what people want most. Consistency creates credibility. Do what you say you are going to do. Do it when you say you are going to do it. Do it right the first time. Consistency is not automation. It is necessary to learn and use the information provided to you, but also to add your personal touch. You hire employees specifically so that they can add to the dynamic of your company. Some doctors are perceived negatively in that they are said to treat the disease and not the patient. We want you to be engaged with the customer at all times, even when using scripts.
Shawn Stewart is the Operations Manager at Gainesville Health and Fitness Center. Contact him at shawns@ghfc.com
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Rachel Zabonick-Chonko is the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at rachel@peakemedia.com.