The quality of your personal training program depends on the results your trainers provide your clients. The quality of your trainer’s product directly falls unto one person; the fitness manager. Managing individuals can be very tough and making sure every interaction they have with clients is positive is equally challenging. Here are some ways you can manage those interactions:
- Random phone calls to clients to inquire how their training is going. You might be pleasantly surprised or discover problems before they become gigantic.
- Ask trainers for their six-week plan for their clients. Having a plan is key to getting clients to their goals, and if trainers do not have that then how are they going to get their clients there?
- Watching trainers on the floor while you do administrative work. As a fitness manager, there is always paperwork or admin work to do, so if you can be seen on the floor while doing that, you can see your trainers in action.
- 30-day checkups with all trainers. Look at their client list, retention rate and new client acquisition. This will be telltale to the success of the trainer.
- Send an unknown member to train with a trainer and get their feedback from the experience. Regardless of the outcome you will learn something.
Staying on top of your trainers’ quality is the number one way to ensure the success of your program.
Vic Spatola is the Director of Personal Training for Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club in Greenwood Village, Colorado, a suburb of Denver. Contact him at
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Rachel Zabonick-Chonko is the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at