I joined a new gym a little over a month ago. Like I discussed in “Fight for Members Intensifies in Wake of Increased Studio Popularity,” I initially joined due to the fact that this gym had begun offering free barre classes, a fact which was extremely appealing to me.
However, over a month after joining, I still haven’t taken a barre class. Instead, whenever I enter my club I find myself immediately drawn to cardio equipment — specifically, elliptical machines. Actually, now that I think about it, the only thing I’ve ever done at my new gym is workout on its cardio machines.
Why is that? My club offers a variety of amenities, including personal training, Spinning®, multiple Group X classes, strength training equipment and more. The other day, I even received a call informing me that I was eligible to take part in a free fitness assessment with a personal trainer (which apparently is valued at $100). To be honest though, I probably won’t use it.
Why haven’t I made use of all — or even most — of the amenities my club has to offer? To be honest, it mostly comes down to time. I work roughly 50 to 60 hours a week, and on the days I do make it to the gym, I want my workout to be quick, efficient and sometimes, painless. I know I should do more, but sometimes I just can’t muster up the energy.
Considering this, I’d love to hear from you — what are some successful strategies you’ve utilized to get your members using as many of your amenities/offerings as possible? Is their certain marketing that works best? Are certain staff members better positioned to get members to take part in different areas of the club?
Finally, how do you impart on members that even if they have limited time, some of that time is best spent within your club?
Rachel Zabonick is the assistant editor for Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at rachel@clubsolutionsmagazine.com. Reach out to her about exciting events or programs your club has implemented, or to share the amazing accomplishments of a member.
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Rachel Zabonick-Chonko is the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at rachel@peakemedia.com.