Some components of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will take effect on January 1, 2014, bringing with it major changes in health care policy.
Bryan O’Rourke, a Global Fitness Industry Advocate, CEO and founder of Integerus, the CSO of Fitmarcm and the president of Fit-C, believes these changes could be beneficial to the health club industry.
“Basically, employers can create plans that incentivize their employees to live a healthier lifestyle,” explained O’Rourke. “What this enables clubs to do is provide services that meet the needs of these employer plans.”
According to O’Rourke, it may be difficult for employers to provide wellness programs in-house, due to privacy laws or employees being uncomfortable getting fit within the same location in which they work. As a result, “clubs can be that anonymous, third-party place and provide those services,” he explained.
In summary, O’Rourke believes clubs will have the opportunity to capitalize on wellness programs and tap into a growing market as a result of ACA and the incentives it provides employers and individuals who participate in preventative health programs. “The basic act is designed to increase the number of wellness programs and participation,” he said.
However, O’Rourke cautioned that clubs won’t be the only parties attempting to capitalize on this new opportunity. “I don’t think there’s a particular downside [to ACA for health clubs], but I would caution that entry from outside providers could become increasingly present,” he said. “More organizations providing wellness programs will emerge to be competitors.”
Considering this, think about offering corporate wellness programs for employers if you don’t already. Club Solutions has written in the past about how these types of programs. Let me know if you have any particular questions about wellness programs or ACA, and I’ll do my best to answer them!
For more information from O’Rourke, view his presentation, “The Impact Of The Affordable Health Care Act On Fitness Facilities,” here.
Rachel Zabonick is the assistant editor for Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at Reach out to her about exciting events or programs your club has implemented, or to share the amazing accomplishments of a member.
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Rachel Zabonick-Chonko is the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at