As a business owner or operator, it can be hard to go on vacation. You likely have tons of people who rely on your expertise, and you may be one of the few people that know the ins and outs of your company. But, it is very important to take a vacation at least once a year. Trust me, your sanity will thank you for it!
Of course, returning from vacation, no matter how brief, can be stressful. Here are some ways to mitigate stress so that when you do return from basking in the sun, all the stress you relieved doesn’t come back two-fold.
Plan for your departure.
Of course, just because you’re on vacation, that doesn’t mean your business is. If there are duties that absolutely no one other than you can do, prep beforehand so that they’re either done or have been passed off to a responsible party. This can be tied in to your away message as well. Be sure to include a point of contact for immediate needs, so that people know whom to reach out to in case of an emergency or short deadline.
And for your return.
In addition, plan ahead for your return. Be as organized as possible on how you’ll tackle the items that will need your immediate attention, such as email, once you’re back in the office. It can be easy to forget about important meetings or appointments after you’ve spent a week not being beholden to a schedule.
Be sure to prioritize as well. The first day back you’re not going to be able to catch up on everything, so tackle the most important items first.
Mitigate distractions.
Let’s face it: The first week after a vacation is going to be a bit more stressful than a normal week. As a result, try to mitigate as many distractions as possible. Don’t plan as many meetings as you likely would, and consider keeping your door closed while you try and catch up.
Of course, people are going to want to hear about how your vacation went, so consider holding a brief catch-up meeting where you can swap stories with everyone at once. This will save you from sharing the same story over and over again with different people.
Bonus tip: Pay attention to who stepped up to the plate while you were gone.
While on vacation there were likely a few situations that popped up that required someone to go above and beyond their normal duties. To those employees, make sure you showcase your gratitude. Consider buying them a $20 gift card to a local restaurant, but even a simple “thank you” can go a long way.
As a leader, there’s no better feeling than knowing you have employees on staff that you can not only feel comfortable leaving your business with, but also trust to let it thrive.
Hopefully these tips will help make your return from vacation a bit easier. Where are you planning on going this summer?
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Rachel Zabonick-Chonko is the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at