TRUE Fitness announced yet another addition to its strength product offering, the Composite Strength Series. This unique series was designed and developed in collaboration with Joe Ellis, a 29-year fitness industry designer veteran, who also partnered with TRUE to develop and launch the FORCE strength series last year.
Total body integration training has sky-rocketed over the last several years, and the Composite Strength Series takes these desired training techniques to an entirely new level, by creating machines that allow users to safely and more closely mimic real world physical demands and athletic motions. Utilizing these innovative machines will strengthen the human body’s skeletal musculature and soft connecting tissues, i.e. tendons and ligaments. By strengthening these vital tissues, the human body will be able to perform as a more well-balanced machine with less risk of injury overall.
The integration of two separate exercises into a single motion and Ellis’ patented technology is what makes this series unique and effective. The individual machines within this new series allow users to safely and easily achieve their fitness goals by guiding their body through the proper movements, and taking away the user’s “guess” as to how their body should move. Not only will this produce more attainable fitness results, but with the user’s “guess-work” taken out of the equation and the machine moving you through the correct motions, the risk of injury is significantly reduced.
The Composite Strength Series offers safe and easy to use equipment that will greatly improve user’s overall strength and reduce their risk of injury, while both exercising and performing everyday physical tasks. The sleek appearance of these machines will provide sophistication to any setting as well as continually drawing the interest of fitness users, and encouraging them to return for more. Strength products have always been the foundation of the fitness industry, and TRUE has really stepped outside the box with this innovative series of equipment to add to the category.
For more information visit
As a strength machine designer and fitness professional for over 20 years,i have spent the last several years writing (loudly) on blogs,etc about how the functional/core/alternative exercise craze has taken critical attention away from the some of the most important aspects of progressive resistance exercise. i have talked,time and time again in my writings about how the most popular exercises in gyms can be dangerous or counterproductive to the joints and their connective tissues…
and i can say that i have never…read any articles that recognize these issues,until THIS ONE. It certainly seems a bit odd,wouldnt you agree,that FINALLY!…an article is written that mentions the health/strength of all of the connective tissues that make up our joints.
Sooo,the good news,whether someone’s listening or learned it on their own,is that bringing connective tissues (tendons,ligaments,fascia and more) into the discussion is excellent progress.
the not so good news,is that the equipment talked about in this article,really isnt a design improvement that helps that discussion very much. The new machines seem like glorified leverage machines that dont require much work,and the strength component appears a bit overstated. the exercising public needs a better explanation of the benefits of taking each joint through full ranges of motion,with resistance exercise of sufficient intensity.