Consumers are more demanding than ever. In today’s mobile world, people expect solutions to be on demand and at their finger-tips. They also want personalized experiences. Those companies that have not adopted to these increasing expectations have been replaced by those that have. Think Netflix vs. Blockbuster, Uber vs. cabs, Airbnb vs. traditional hotels.
The examples are everywhere, and the fitness industry is not exempt. We see the same thing starting to happen with on-demand fitness class offerings increasingly gaining market adoption.
The bad news is the fitness industry has generally lagged behind in terms of adopting technology. The good news is that those clubs that embrace technology and make it an integral part of their membership offering can separate themselves from the competition and achieve truly excellent business results.
Below are examples of how some of the top facilities are launching their member experiences past the competition and into the 21st century.
Driving results
Results are the number one predictor of customer retention. It makes logical sense. A customer joins your facility because she is looking to achieve a goal. If she achieves that goal, she is much more likely to remain a member than if she does not.
Too often, customers become members of a gym and are then left hanging with too little (or no) engagement from the facility. There is a large opportunity here for gyms to use technology to engage members with workout routines and other support.
Traditionally, many facilities write workouts of the day/week/month on whiteboards that hang in the facility. The problem with this, of course, is that utilization of these workouts requires a member to be in the facility in the first place. Technology solutions enable gyms to electronically deliver workouts to all members, regardless of where they are.
Showing results
Technology today makes storing and visualizing data much easier than before. Members can electronically log and store all of their workouts, classes, body stats and more. When it comes time for a decision to renew a membership or continue personal training, the ability for a facility to point to results in an easily visualized chart or graph is a huge advantage.
Rewarding results
The best facilities reward their most engaged members. Technology solutions enable gyms to easily implement rewards programs, contests and more — all great ways of incentivizing the results that their members are seeking.
There is no time like the present
Technology for gyms has come a long way. It no longer just provides a way for your members to electronically check in or to email a referral. The best gyms of today and the future will use mobile, on-demand, personalized technology solutions to help their members achieve results.
Chris Freise is co-founder and CEO of Updown Technologies, Inc. Contact him with questions or for more information at 415-309-9698 or
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Chris Freise is co-founder and CEO of Updown Technologies, Inc. Contact him with questions or for more information at 415-309-9698 or