If you can get potential members to smile and agree with you as you go into a sales presentation, your chances of gaining new members will improve considerably. Remember, a potential new member must “buy you” before they will buy your club and its services. Getting your potential members to smile, laugh and engage with you during a presentation is a good indication that they are buying you as a person. The good feelings they associate with you will also be associated with your club and the services it provides, which increases the chances of gaining them as a new member.
Also, keep in mind that people typically buy from people they like and trust. If a potential new member in any way perceives that you only care about getting their money, chances are they will not buy from you and will instead move on to the next club, looking for a place where they will feel more comfortable. Consider this: A sale WILL be made on every presentation; either the potential member will sell you the fact that he or she will not buy from you, or you will sell them and they will buy from you and become a member.