Personal Training: A Manager’s Role in Goal Setting for Trainers
For the personal trainers on your team, one of the most important aspects of their job is helping their clients...
Read moreDetailsLisa Jo Groft, BS, ACSM-HFS, is the co-director of fitness at Baptist East Milestone Wellness Center in Louisville, Kentucky.
For the personal trainers on your team, one of the most important aspects of their job is helping their clients...
Read moreDetailsIn last month’s blog post I discussed techniques that managers should use to teach their staff (personal trainers) how to...
Read moreDetailsOne of the biggest challenges I’ve found through my years of being fitness co-director at Baptist Health/Milestone Wellness center in...
Read moreDetailsIn last month’s blog I talked about our staff training and development system at Baptist Health/Milestone Wellness center, called Trainer...
Read moreDetailsIn last month’s blog I talked about how the first step to building a lucrative personal training department was hiring...
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