In every organization, there are different types of employees. There are the “workhorse” employees who just work and work. There are people who are trainees who are learning to become the best they can be. Then there are the “stars,” the leaders of your company. The most dangerous people in an organization are the stars. What makes them dangerous? Inside an organization, a star can lead a department in the opposite direction from where everyone else is going, and in a different direction from where the owner wants it to go. Why? Simply because stars are leaders. The most important thing is to keep a company aligned and everyone focused. You can do this by having regular meetings where goals are discussed. These are called the “Monday Morning Focus and Energy Meetings.” These meetings are designed for everyone to be aware of and to discuss the department projects you are working on. But the larger reason is to make sure everyone in the organization is moving in the same direction. Over the years the goal of these meetings will stay the same, but the issues will grow bigger as the staff and projects grow larger. These meetings can last up to two hours and you can fill that entire time with no problem. You should always have plenty to talk about in regards to current goals and future endeavors. Unlike “Strategic Objective” meetings and “Get Better Team” meetings, Monday Morning Focus and Energy Meetings are operational, short-term meetings. Here is the structure to begin a Focus and Energy meeting and agenda items:
Monday Morning’s Focus and Energy Meeting
- Made up of the leaders in the company.
- Your Focus and Energy — to be evaluated based on each specific departments Rock (discussed in previous blog) and connection to your company’s Vision, Mission, Core Values and Core Purpose.
- Addresses Questions:
1. Does anyone need help from anyone in this room?
2. Is there any pertinent information that needs to be shared?
3. Is there anything exceptional that we have done as a company this week?
4. Is there anything exceptional we will do this week as a company?
5. Is there anything exceptional any individual in this room will do this week that connects to our Vision, Mission, Core Purpose and Core Values?
- Report on critical numbers — the numbers that drive the profitability of your department or help drive the profitability of the entire company.
- Review all numbers to goals and discuss variations.
- Follow up on all projects.
- Review the competition (monthly).
- Hold staff accountable for “Get Better” team action items.
- Keep the stars aligned.