Being validated by having somebody make it known you have impacted them is a feeling that never gets old. Something simple such as asking how a member’s party was that they informed you about a few weeks prior can mean so much. It becomes even more special when they say how comfortable they were at the party because of the guidance you gave them in the gym to assist them with their specific goal.
However, in the wellness industry, simple cues are ignored more often than they should be. Anticipate your members’ needs through awareness by being present in all aspects of their time with you.
When something is shared that is personal, don’t be afraid to write it down. Use every member’s needs to create a reoccurring form of motivation. Make sure to have some kind of file where each person’s uniqueness is stored, for a paper trail of his or her experiences. If they fall off, use what you know about them to get them back using the gym. At the same time, go the extra mile by digging deep and finding out why exactly they have fallen off, and then use your standards and what you have to offer to put them on the track to success again.
Have certain items in your facility that celebrate victories, while at the time create a sense of camaraderie and encourage healthy competition. Displaying your top users and highest performers could light the fire for somebody.
Even something as simple as scheduling an anniversary call for when your member has been with you for one year can be a revitalization in a few ways. Of course you will show how personable you can be, but at the same time you can re-visit initial goals and get feedback. If they haven’t seen the results they want to see, you can schedule a meeting and assist in creating an action plan. If they have stayed consistent then ask, “What’s next?” From there, the cycle repeats, and it will be contagious around your facility. Members will then share their goals with each other and work together. At this point you will have more usage in your facility, creating hundreds of walking advertisements for your brand outside of your facility, while at the same time having an amazing culture inside of it.
Be able to go the extra mile for your members, but also give yourself the tools needed to set your brand apart. Establish goals and follow up in a genuine way that is unique to each and every member. Your job is to over deliver by making it known that you are in this fitness journey with your members. A facility cannot hold somebody accountable, but the people who make up the facility absolutely can.