Pick up any newspaper and you’ll see health clubs, small and large, advertising their business. You have the 30-minute clubs, the big chains, the small chains, the independent clubs and of course, the men- and women-only facilities. And, all of the clubs spend bucks on advertising. Some advertise in the newspaper, but many send postcards, distribute flyers, etc, and they may even advertise on the radio. By looking closely at the majority of these clubs, and their advertising methods and content, many have one thing in common…They talk about themselves.
Their marketing pieces are loaded with the “me” or “us” mentality. “We have the best club around” is the theme of their advertising, in one way or another. Some advertise prices. They’ll blurt out low price specials, package deals, two-for-one deals, low monthly dues, zero initiation fees, free services, tanning, and everything you can imagine to get people to “bite” on their advertising, and come in to join their club. Many of the larger chains get away with this type of advertising due to their big budgets, huge volume and brand marketing departments. Unfortunately, the other 90% of clubs out there – the smaller chains, independent clubs, 30-minute, or women-only facilities, etc. – try to duplicate this style and fail miserably. They just don’t have the marketing power or dollars to compete or make an impact with “brand” or “me-centered” advertising methods. If this is your club, you must start taking a different approach…Something that will give you a specific, profitable response from every ad or marketing campaign you execute. This “something” is free report or free ebook directresponse marketing. In my opinion, this is the most overlooked and most powerful way to get new members – especially for small- to medium-sized, independent clubs or small club chains. If the big club chains did this type of direct-response marketing, with all of their marketing dollars, they would attract more new members than they would know what to do with. But, they won’t do it, because of a brand marketing mentality, and they’re not willing to give that up.
So, what is free report or free ebook direct-response marketing? It’s a way to get hundreds, even thousands, of people, who live in your area and need your club, to come into your club now; faster than any other way!
Here’s how to do it. First, you have to write; purchase the rights to, or create a free report or ebook on a topic in which health club prospects are interested. Make sure the content creates a need and desire for a health club, and it overcomes the typical objections (i.e. no time, procrastination, spouse, money, etc.) Then, give the report or ebook a tantalizing name, so prospects can’t resist getting it (more on this later). Specifically tell your prospects how to get it. Make them go to your website or call a toll free number to request it. In any case, make sure it’s automated. Once prospects respond, capture their information before you give them anything (i.e., in exchange for an instant download of the report or ebook, get their name, number and email. Preferably, have them complete a web form at a non-branded website.) Once they give you their information on the form, instantly give them the report or ebook. Of course, the main goal of doing all this is to get those prospects into your club to join. So, with that said, offer them a free pass with an expiration date at the end of the report or ebook, as a gift for requesting it.
Let’s discuss the most important component to all of this: the name of the report or ebook, and the content. First, don’t write something such as: “Tips on Joining a Health Club” or “How to Get a Good Workout.” Make sure your title and content are targeted to a specific benefit that is a “hot button” among your prospects. For instance, fat loss – everyone who wants to lose fat is a potential prospect for your club. A good title for this would be, “The Fat Removal System Ebook: How to Quickly & Easily Lose Fat without Spending Tons of Time, Money or Effort!” Or, another example would be for home exercisers, “How to Double your Results from your Home Program without Spending Any Extra Time or Buying Any More Equipment.” The content of these reports or ebooks should not necessarily give the exact solution, but should make your health club the ultimate solution!
Of course, finally, you must advertise your free report or ebook. Make sure you do not put your club’s name, logo or phone number on the ad! I know this isn’t what you’re accustomed to, but it works! Have a completely non-branded ad that announces your free report or ebook and tells exactly how to get it. Place these ads in the local paper to start, and watch the leads come in like crazy! Of course, follow-up on every lead to offer a pass to your club and a tour.
Pat Necerato is a Sales and Marketing Expert with over 15 years experience in the fitness industry. He can be contacted at 866.468.2832, or go to www.MoreNewMembers.com and get his FREE Marketing Video & Report.