A lot of people in sales get caught up in their pitch and different ways they can manipulate a presentation based strictly on how they perceive the buyer’s personality. However, when working in sales at a club, one should remember, the person you’re selling isn’t necessarily looking for the type of sales pitch they may get at the office. They aren’t joining your club so they can make a profit or to gain some ground in the business world – they simply want a place to relax and get into shape.
Try speaking to your customer as a person interested in desires, as opposed to making a sales pitch. My grandfather was in sales for many years and one of the key components to his salesmanship was his ability to be on the same level as his customer. He would try and find a way to relate to the customer while making a sale at the same time. He would have a normal conversation with the person and eventually build a relationship that resulted in a sale. Being able to communicate with your future club member on a person-to-person basis will make them feel comfortable and allow them to see why they should join your club. Remember, there is no reason to force the issue. They are already in your club, which means they are interested, just focus on the person and answer questions truthfully and make them trust you.