Helping members understand the deeper significance of their fitness wants and needs is critical to them making the emotional connections that will sustain a long-term commitment to health and wellness. Having one conversation about the “why” of their journey could be the difference between healthy living success and another canceled membership. By adding a 30-minute consultation to your member’s onboarding process and implementing the following best practices, your staff can increase the probability of a member’s commitment to their goals and to your facility.
Three Best Practices for a Successful Consultation:
1. Provide a Safe and Comfortable Environment
Members are unlikely to share personal information if employees are not providing enough comfort and support to create a safe atmosphere. A more secluded area, great questions and an authentic interest will help break down potential barriers and allow members to be honest with themselves and you.
2. Help Members Determine The “Why”
Before teaching members about tools to train their body, it’s important to equip them with the tools to train their mind, so they can overcome the inevitable obstacles we all deal with on a daily basis. By helping a member get past the surface and draw out the deeper significance of their goals, you can provide them with a mental reminder and motivating tool to use when they are tempted to make excuses not to exercise.
Examples of Surface Level vs. Deeper Significance “Why’s”:
Surface Motivator: “I want to lose weight.”
Deeper Significance: “I want to lose weight so that I can look in the mirror and be happy about who I am.”
Surface Motivator: “I want to feel better.”
Deeper Significance: “I want to feel better so that I can sustain a positive attitude towards my professional and personal life.”
Surface Motivator: “I want less stress.”
Deeper Significance: “I want less stress so that the people I care about can have the best of me.”
3. Ask Questions, Don’t Prescribe
Rather than prescribing an exercise program, ask questions that guide the member to writing their own personal exercise prescription. Research shows that people are much more successful in adhering to exercise when they have ownership in the decision-making process.
A well-executed consultation could be all it takes for a member to feel that much-needed connection and support. By utilizing these best practices, facilities can position themselves as a catalyst for high member engagement and become an irreplaceable partner throughout their health and wellness journey.
Sean Levesque is the Director of Strategic Programming for Fitness on Request. He can be reached at 612-520-7501.
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Rachel Zabonick-Chonko is the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at