This is the last piece on building a holistic team. Last time, I discussed the benefits of having a therapist on staff. Having a variety of services may add customer service opportunities and improve bottom line. I’m individually addressing a mix of personnel beyond the personal trainer norm, and how they can be beneficial to a gym facility. Today, I’ll be talking about the wellness coach.
Wellness coaches, also called health or life coaches, differ from therapists in that they aren’t trained to look into the past — they are trained to look into the future. They are trained to help a client change their behavior, reverse falling motivation and obtain realistic goals for aspects such as nutrition, stress, fitness, and even subjects such as finances and relationships.
I asked life coach Ellie Nolan, the owner of, if she thinks a wellness coach is a great investment for a gym. She responded, “I think having a wellness coach is a great investment for a gym because wellness coaches are trained to help people get clear on their own personal ‘why’ — why being healthy is important to them. That ‘why’ is what needs to be uppermost in your mind when you are tired, or financially stretched, or just don’t feel like going to the gym today. Studies show that when people have a clearly-defined goal, rather than a vague wish of why they are doing something, they are more likely to continue working towards what they want and ultimately achieve it, even if they face obstacles along the way.”
What would a wellness coach look like on a holistic team for a weight management member? Imagine a new member joining the gym with low motivation for change or adherence, high anxiety, little experience with exercise and poor nutrition. With a holistic team, a therapist can tackle the anxiety, a trainer can tackle the exercise, a dietitian can tackle the nutrition and a wellness coach can be well positioned to help with motivation and adhering to all programs. If you can find a therapist that is also a wellness coach, or a dietitian that is also a trainer, more power to you!
I hope this series was beneficial and allows you to think about expanding your services beyond personal training. Having a holistic team could aid new members in being more successful, therefore being happier with your facility. Great customer service and happy members can help your bottom line, and having a scope of practice beyond personal training can also bring in more potential revenue.
How could you use a wellness coach?
Jamal Thruston is a certified personal trainer in Louisville, Ky., who specializes in weight management, behavioral change and health coaching. For questions, e-mail Jamal at
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Rachel Zabonick-Chonko is the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at