If nobody tweeted about it, did it really happen? Twitter is the ultimate social media asset today. Many people check their Twitter accounts first thing in the morning to get the latest news. Everyone from celebrities to businesses to everyday people are active on Twitter. Think about it — you have a thought, type it out on your mobile device or laptop in 140 characters or less, and off it goes into the “Twitter-sphere.” You can share and receive up-to-date information from around the world instantly with this simple application.
Of course, anyone can tweet, but it takes skill and practice to tweet effectively. If you’re new to Twitter or looking to utilize your account, follow these four simple tips.
1. Kick off the convo.
You don’t need thousands of followers to participate on Twitter. The secret to success is sharing real-life tidbits. The more relatable you are on social media, the more engagement you’ll create. One easy way to do this is to follow your brand personality. Stuck on what to post? When in doubt, ask a question.
2. Listen to your audience.
Chances are the majority of your followers are people who utilize your business or product. You can quickly pick up on your audience’s values by seeing how they respond to your tweets. Twitter is a great way to manage customer service. If someone directs a tweet toward you with a question or concern, get back to him or her in a timely manner. The more you take an interest in what your audience has to say, the more they’ll want to engage with you.
3. Get to the point.
Your Twitter account isn’t the great American novel. You have 140 characters to get your message across. It may be difficult to craft an informative idea in those constraints, but keep this in mind: quick wit resonates on social media. Be bold, be clever and be genuine. People are far more likely to re-tweet a post that they think is fun and motivational.
4. Hop on trends.
Always check what’s trending on Twitter. Is there a hashtag that relates to your business or a current product or project you’re promoting? Throw it in your tweet! Hashtags are meant to summarize your post theme in a few words. By jumping on a trending topic, it shows that your brand is on point with popular and current events. Adding a hashtag to your tweet is a great way to start conversations, too.
With over 255 million users, you’re bound to create a Twitter following. Don’t get discouraged if your first few tweets don’t create much engagement. Acquiring a lively following takes time. Just remember to share real-life tidbits, learn from your followers, utilize trending topics and most importantly, have fun with it!
By Hayley Schnell, communication specialist at Snap Fitness.
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Hayley Schnell is a communications manager at Lift Brands. She can be reached at hschnell@liftbrands.com.