1. What’s the biggest challenge you’ve had to overcome? The biggest challenge I had to overcome was surviving a full craniotomy to remove a brain tumor. Thankfully, it was a benign meningioma.
2. How did you overcome this? I overcame this obstacle with the help of faith, family, friends, fellow associates, fitness and fun. I earned a new lease on life for which I am humbled and grateful.
3. What’s it been like to watch your daughter, Vicki, follow in your footsteps? Awesome. I beam with pride that she loves the health and fitness industry and that she has stepped up to be an incredible leader.
4. What has been a major key to your success? Reinvention and reframing. We (my husband, Victor and I) reinvented ourselves by diversifying our business portfolio with the purchase of Planet Fitness franchise rights in Maryland, Tennessee and Florida; plus, we plan to grow in other territories. We reframe our Brick Bodies brand with great programs, instructor and trainer training and upgraded facilities.
5. When did you start to see yourself as successful? Success is a journey, not a destination. We believe in Kai Zen, the art of baby steps or constant never-ending improvement.
6. What do you like to do in your free time? I love to read, travel and explore the beautiful gifts our world provides, plus enjoy outdoor adventures such as biking and hiking.
7. What do you hope to see from Brick Bodies in the next five years? We are celebrating our 30th anniversary in 2015. In the next five years we plan to grow Brick Bodies and grow our John W. Brick Mental Health Foundation, named in honor of Victor’s brother, who suffered from schizophrenia his entire life. Additionally, we will continue to grow our Planet Fitness brand.
8. What’s a unique fact we may not know about you? I was born in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. My dad was in the army and we lived in Germany until I was 3-years-old.
9. What was the most exciting thing you did in 2014? In addition to refinancing the company for $100 million for growth and opening 11 clubs, we traveled to Vienna, London, France, Singapore and Bali for roundtable meetings. Plus, we had a family trip to Slovakia to research my maternal family roots.
10. What’s something you’d like to experience or do in 2015? Open 15 new clubs and experience an awesome family trip to celebrate my 60th birthday.
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Emily Harbourne is the former assistant editor of Club Solutions Magazine.