The success or failure of a health club is greatly influenced by its staff. Every club owner, operator and manager strives to fill their club with right staff who fully embody the club’s culture, inspire members and work well as a team.
However, sometimes it can be a challenge to decipher all of these things through an interview. Joe Detz, the manager of Gold’s Gym LaGrange, provides insight on the hiring process and how he makes sure every hire at Gold’s Gym LaGrange is the perfect fit.
Ask Unexpected Questions
What are your strengths? What makes you the right fit for this position? What was one of the biggest challenges you have had to overcome? We all know the questions. We get asked them during every interview and therefore they are easy to prepare for.
“I think that by the time you are 14 or 15 and you go on your first job interview it is the same questions over and over,” said Detz. “It doesn’t matter if you are 16 or 45 years old, you are ready for those questions. I really try to stay outside of those normal questions. My main goal during the interview process is to get the person to open up.”
Detz suggests asking questions the interviewee has no way of preparing for. One of his favorites: You just found out there is a Zombie Apocalypse, what do you do? “I guarantee that is a question they have never been asked before, so they have to answer on the fly and that is what this industry is about, being able to deal with a person who is right across from you at that given time,” he said.
Role Play
Working in the fitness industry involves an extensive amount of social interaction; therefore it is crucial to see how potential employees handle certain situations. This is where role-playing comes in.
“I want to get the candidate to open up,” said Detz. “I like to put them in a comfortable situation and I also want to find time during the interview process to put them in an uncomfortable situation and see how they react. If we were always in a comfortable situation, we would never grow.”
Have team members role play a scene with an irate member or another situation that is likely to happen in the club in order to see how quickly the candidate is able to think on their feet.
Conduct Multiple Interviews
Don’t rush the process. According to Detz, too many times clubs hire for necessity or urgency, but making quick decisions may lead to hiring the wrong person. Conduct several interviews to get the best feel for the candidate.
“The first impression is easy to fake,” added Detz. “It is the second and third that are important. Our interview process is multilevel. It is not one or two interviews, but usually three and maybe even four.”
A high functioning health club also requires a great amount of teamwork. It is essential to evaluate how the potential employee interacts with others and group interviews are a great way to do so. Try involving several other team members in the interview process.
Wait To Offer the Position
Even if the interview went swimmingly; don’t offer the job on the spot. “We never hire right away. It devalues what you,” explained Detz. “It makes that person seem like they are an emergency hire. I sit back, weigh the options and speak with other team members. I may go to the front desk staff and ask what their first impression of the candidate was.”
Detz suggests for a full-time position, wait four or fives days before offering the job. For a part-time position, typically wait two or three days. Overall take your time to ensure the candidate is the best fit for your club.
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Emily Harbourne is the former assistant editor of Club Solutions Magazine.