The worldwide web has opened up a number of great possibilities, especially when it comes to social interaction. Nowadays, there’s no need to meet others in person. Instead, you can just chat with them over email, Facetime or Skype them on your phone, or even have a virtual gathering via GoToMeeting or Google Hangouts, from literally anywhere in the world.
Although this is absolutely wonderful, face-to-face interaction is also vital. No matter how often you Skype or email with someone, subtle things can get lost in translation online. Especially with email, you can’t pick up on visual or voice cues, and even with Skype, you may have a harder time reading a person’s full body language. And of course, virtual interaction is limited — you can’t grab a drink with someone after your GoToMeeting has ended.
That’s why Club Solutions has made it a priority to create events where industry leaders can gather with their peers and meet face-to-face in an exciting, fun and warm environment.
This week, GMs, operators and owners from all over the country have joined together in Austin, Texas, at the Travaasa Austin Resort to attend the 2015 Club Solutions Leadership Retreat. With our commitment to educating and empowering health club professionals, the Leadership Retreat will provide expertise, insights and experiences that will be help clubs thrive now and in the future.
And of course, they’ll have some fun. Just because you’re learning something from your peers, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself!
Over the course of the next few weeks, looks for insights from this special event. I can’t wait to share them with you!
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Rachel Zabonick-Chonko is the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at