New year is a great time to examine your personal trainers and their performance. Trainers are beginning their busiest time of the year, with their biggest client load and having their best opportunity to get clients.
Here are some questions to answer about your trainers, as the New Year kicks off to a start:
- How do they handle clients when they are in front of them?
- How many times have your trainers been ‘shopped’ by someone you have sent to evaluate? Have you assessed their communication skills with members?
- Have you critiqued their coaching skills?
- When was the last time you had them write a macro cycle program program and explain their reasoning behind it?
- When was the last time they presented and sold personal training options to you or other staff?
If you can evaluate and give feedback to your trainers, it may not only save a sale they may have lost previously, but also it could help retain an existing client.
Everyone needs positive feedback, and now is when your trainers get the most from it.
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Vic Spatola is the director of personal training at Greenwood Athletic and Tennis Club. He also does personal training business consulting. Contact him at: