KORR Medical Technologies manufactures metabolic analyzers for the evaluation of oxygen consumption at rest and during exercise. Applications include indirect calorimetry for medical nutrition assessments and weight loss intervention, as well as VO2 Max fitness assessments and exercise prescriptions.
KORR has recently introduced the CardioCoach app, designed specifically to incorporate unique VO2 Max results into an individual’s workout, help trainers monitor their clients, and to make workouts more effective towards reaching a specific goal.
Apps are a current buzzword in fitness. There seems to be an app for everything. So what is different about the CardioCoach app and how can it make a difference for trainers and facilities?
The CardioCoach app is unlike any health and fitness app currently on the market. It utilizes an individual’s unique VO2 Max to create heart rate based workouts, carefully designed by experts to meet specifics goals of weight loss, aerobic conditioning, and cardio strengthening. As a client works out, they are gently reminded to stay in the correct Zone that is unique to their own VO2 Max results, allowing them to make progress like never before.
With the personal data the CardioCoach app is monitoring, it is able to calculate truly unique and powerful information: How many minutes were spent in an aerobic state? How many anaerobic? Precisely how many calories were burned? How many of those calories came from fat? How many from carbs? How many calories will your client continue to burn after the workout ends?
The CardioCoach app easily translates a VO2 Max assessment to a personalized plan. Clients no longer have to settle for “out of the box” programs or generalized suggestions. KORR makes concierge treatment a possibility for every client.
For more information visit https://korr.com/every-second-counts/.