Selling is everywhere! Kids sell to get more `TV time’, prime ministers sell on new legislations, personal trainers sell to get new clients, teachers sell...
Read moreDetailsCreate a sales questionnaire to give your sales associates the opportunity to know the potential member – uncover their greatest health and fitness challenges to...
Read moreDetailsIf you’ve spent any amount of time on the Internet, you’ve run across a blog. A blog differs from a website in that it expresses...
Read moreDetailsOne of the biggest problems in health clubs, and in most small businesses for that matter, is the lack of consistency in marketing. Many health...
Read moreDetailsYou understand the power and the importance of referrals, but what is it that really motivates your members to send the people they know and...
Read moreDetailsIn the sales arena, a potential member does not care if you have a mortgage to pay. Potential members also do not care if you...
Read moreDetailsOne of the most critical parts of convincing a new member to join your club is the honesty and integrity of the salesperson. The goal...
Read moreDetailsA lot of people in sales get caught up in their pitch and different ways they can manipulate a presentation based strictly on how they...
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