The Colorgized program can best be described as a program which incorporates LED color lighting into a fitness arena and combines it with positive affirmations and fitness such as yoga, Pilates, dance and indoor cycling. Science and well-known agencies such as NASA, The Department of Defense and The Consumer Health Organization of Canada are now validating that LED lighting affects the energetic and physical body at the cellular level.
Some amazing benefits include:
• Improved balanced in senior citizens – as infrared lighting improves circulation in the feet.
• Burns and wounds heal faster – as the endocrine system reacts and improves glandular and hormonal functioning.
• Pain and inflammation associated with strains and arthritis have decreased as a result of LED lighting.
• Of interest, especially to fitness facilities, is that LED lighting can help build muscle and increase strength. For example, in red light, muscle has been shown to have 13.5% more strength, and blue light works for improving muscular endurance.
LED lighting, as a tool for healing and prevention of injury or disease, is making its way into the homes of people across the country via infomercials and advertising campaigns to educate people on the power of non-invasive light therapy. These people are paying hundreds of dollars to have a small, non-experiential device in their home. Imagine how many of these people would flock to your studios knowing you offer something they believe in; they have already been sold on, and it is included in their membership.
How can you provide your members with this ancient, yet newly rediscovered technology? How can you move into the age of wellness by actually providing wellness instead of simply saying you are a wellness facility? The answer is “Get Colorgized” – incorporate the power of color healing and fitness.
A disco ball, or strobe light, is appealing but does not do anything for the mental, physical and emotional elements of the human body. Give your members this spectral journey in an ambient environment that is like nothing they have ever experienced. During unique classes at your facility, your members can be bathed in the colors of the rainbow – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet and white – for specific periods of time, so that each color can affect them fully.
Each color has a different effect on the physical and emotional body:
• Red energizes the central nervous system, and increases heart and respiratory rates. Red causes one to lose track of time and get “caught up in the moment.” Red functions in connection with the adrenal glands.
• Orange increases the air intake capacity of the lungs; it reduces muscle cramps, and stimulates the pulse without increasing blood pressure, unlike red. Orange is the color of joy and wisdom. Orange functions with the reproductive glands.
• Yellow activates the motor nerves and promotes energy for the muscles. Yellow is beneficial to the digestive system. Yellow represents gaiety and joy and is excellent for someone who needs a “pick me up.” Yellow is associated with the pancreas.
• Green relieves tension and lowers blood pressure; it dilates capillaries, and provides warmth. Green is an aphrodisiac. Green inspires friendship, healing and peace. Green is associated with the thymus gland.
• Blue is the calming color. It relaxes the central nervous system; it brings down the heart rate, and cools the body both physically and emotionally. Blue also promotes growth and reduces inflammation. Blue corresponds to the thyroid gland.
• Violet stimulates the spleen; it nourishes the blood in the upper brain; promotes bone growth, and purifies blood. Violet is a meditative color. Violet stimulates humility, inspiration, and it inspires dreams. Violet affects the pineal gland.
Each color has benefits to the mind and body. Each color can bring your members to a place inside themselves they didn’t know existed. You are giving them tools to help them in their life; not only during their class.
We will train your instructors to guide members through what each color represents while teaching their indoor cycling, yoga, dance or Pilates class. Teacher training includes knowledge of the Chakras – or energy centers of the body – color healing and color properties. Your instructors will learn how to incorporate positive affirmations into their classes to impact your members in a memorable, positive manner. Training can be done online or at workshops.
Christina Leon is the President of Spectral Journeys – the pioneer in the Color Healing/Fitness arena. Spectral Journeys has a patent pending on the specific use of color healing and fitness. She can be contacted at 877.257.4493, or by email, or visit