In this new age of digital marketing, the key buzzword is content. So how do we develop good content and what will ignite our readers to share that content? Here are some basic guidelines I have picked up along the way:
Be original. Research for ideas constantly and give credit where it is due, but on the whole develop your own ideas.
Never forget that a strong headline will increase your readership. Eighty percent of people will read your headlines and 20 percent of those people will read the rest of your content.
Design your content so that the reader can take action. State the premise, then tell them how they can put it to work. Give them the essence of the material and tips on its application.
Content should provide answers to their needs such as weight loss, goal setting, adhering to their workouts or feeling comfortable in classes.
Be accurate in your content. Do your research and compile that into clear messaging that references your sources.
Make your blog attractive with a good introduction telling members how it will benefit them, using stories and examples throughout. As I have said many times, stories “sell.” If your blog elicits comments, this is good for your SEO.
Add images and videos to your content. People learn in different ways and this will enhance your presentation.
Keep your writing clean and lean. Avoid long, flowery sentence structure. This is actually harder to do, but will get better results.
Update your blogs and content often. Daily, if you can. This goes for all of your social platforms, including Facebook, Twitter and the like.
Remember, developing content is like recruiting great personnel. You must constantly be on the lookout for ideas. File them on your computer with links and references and then you will always have a stockpile of resources at your fingertips.
Linda Mitchell is the director of public relations and community partners for Newtown Athletic Club. For questions on marketing she can be reached at
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Emily Harbourne is the former assistant editor of Club Solutions Magazine.