After having a stellar personal experience with TRX, Tara J Bedard took her passion to the next level by becoming certified. Now the group fitness manager at Pure Body Fitness, here she shares how TRX positively impacts her clients and continues to impact her personal journey.
CS: How were you introduced to TRX, and why did you decide to partner with them?
TB: I was introduced to TRX while living in New York City in 2012. A colleague of mine had introduced it to me and I purchased three months worth of one-on-one training via the TRX with him. I fell in love with how my body felt after each session and decided I wanted to get qualified to teach. I signed up at Nimble Fitness for my first course (Group Suspension Training) and the start of my partnership with TRX began.
CS: What are the benefits to your business as a result of this partnership?
TB: The benefits to my business are huge. The perks I get from being a TRX Core member are endless, and TRX really supports me in providing me with the information and tools that I need to progress in my knowledge base, including marketing materials, as well as by having new videos to upload and view, which will extend my exercise database for my classes. TRX wants to help me grow and develop my practice, which in turn is great for my fitness facility and building up my programs.
CS: What are the benefits to your members as a result of this partnership?
TB: The benefits to my members are that they have the opportunity for themselves to get qualified right in their own gym. TRX and I have partnered and we have become a host site for education courses. We hosted approximately six courses last year and will host the same, if not more, this year.
Being able to host not only is convenient, but is also encouraging to my members to take that next step and educate themselves, even if they just want the info for personal growth. Pure Body Fitness is now a premier facility because I personally have been certified in TRX CAMPS, which is the first certification TRX holds. (TRX courses are all qualifications prior to passing the TRX CAMPS course). Its elite and something you have to perform great at in person, with hands-on teaching, as well as take three exams and pass.
CS: Have you been pleasantly surprised by working with TRX in any way?
TB: I first started using the TRX because I had been coming off of a lower back issue from CrossFit. I am not blaming CrossFit for my injury, but I had injured my lower back lifting heavy weight and I was introduced to the TRX following that injury. I am a huge athlete, played three sports, excelled at all and for me to deal with this lower back pain was not only frustrating, but also limiting my workouts. The TRX amazed me. The low impact, yet challenging bodyweight movements won me over and now I swear by it.
CS: What else can you tell other club owners about the benefits of working with TRX?
TB: TRX training is huge in some cities, not so huge in others. Coming from New York City where TRX is established, to moving to Charlotte, North Carolina, where I have resided now for one and a half years, has been an eye opener. I moved to a city where no one really used the TRX in a class setting or knew how to properly explain movements utilizing the TRX. The knowledge I had gained by signing up for the TRX education courses was instrumental to my continued success and growth personally and professionally here in Charlotte. I highly recommend up-keeping your knowledge base, getting qualified and becoming a TRX Core member.
Join a TRX social media group so you can see what others in your area are doing, possibly to add to your toolbox. Keep educating yourself, your team, your members/clients. The best advice I have ever received was to “never stay stagnant or content, because someone else will be on your tail trying to outshine you.” I hold that dear to me and I am always looking to improve. No one is ever finished learning. Stay involved with the site and partner with a rep in your area. This has been key to my continued success in Charlotte at Pure Body Fitness.
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Rachel Zabonick-Chonko is the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at
I’ve had the pleasure of seeing this first hand with Tara. She is a body, mind and HEART in motion. We met through me taking the TRX Camp at PureBody. Have some similar backgrounds in Athletics and both share same passion when comes to TRX world. Due to that fact I also now teach part-time at PureBody and Tara and I are about wrap up our 1st TRX camp. She is a force to be reckon with that will want to inspire you to be better!