Can something as simple as lockers make that big of a difference to your business?
The other day I took my first indoor cycling class at CycleBar, a boutique that offers top-level service, high-end amenities and engaging workouts.
But today’s blog isn’t about the workout — it’s about the amenities, specifically the lockers and how much they impressed me.
That day I had left a lock at home, but didn’t want to keep my purse in my car. Thanks to CycleBar’s keyless locks, I didn’t have to. All I had to do was find an open locker and set my own combination, keeping my mind at ease to focus on the workout at hand, versus worrying about my belongings. In addition, the locker itself, manufactured by Hollman, had a USB charger in side, which allowed me to charge my phone during the 50-minute workout.
What’s also great is that members don’t have to pay for locker rentals — it’s an added bonus for being a CycleBar customer.
I bring this up because I’d never used keyless locks or seen a USB in a locker before, and to me it really made a huge difference in my user experience. The features signaled that CycleBar had thought of its members’ journeys from beginning to end, factoring anything and everything they could need.
So to answer the question in the subhead, “can something as simple as locks make that big of a difference to your business?” For me the answer is “yes.” If I were to ever look at a competitor to CycleBar, the locks and lockers would really stand out as a key differentiator.
So, the next time you make a decision in your facility, no matter how small, be sure to think of the end-user. Consider what will happen if they forget a lock or want to charge their phone while they workout — can you accommodate them?
The answer to that question may be the difference between earning or retaining a member when competition comes to town.
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Rachel Zabonick-Chonko is the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at