Adding technology to your club marketing should make the task of driving revenue and retaining members much easier. Using text messaging can be one of the best ways to reach out to your members and is key to retaining them, creating more revenue and keeping them engaged to what your club has to offer.
When you envision text message marketing, you think about promotional deals such as weekly offers from Redbox, or an update on the latest sale from a retail store. Thinking outside the box with your text messaging marketing as a gym owner can elevate you past the normal advertising clutter your members are bombarded with everyday. While effective text messages can lead to gym membership using your facility more often, using practical, relevant and informative content can go a long way in building member loyalty. Let’s look at four ways to use text messaging to engage your members and give them every opportunity to connect with your club community.
Motivational Messages
Motivating members to continue workouts with regularity is half the battle for any owner. Using text-messaging works well for personalized marketing to inspire your members to keep coming back. This is not only a retention reminder, but that you’re thinking of their personal health while providing yourself an opportunity to upsell them on additional club offerings such as a new class, or a personal training session. Other motivational messages might include health tip alerts, or links back to your website for nutritional advice, or even healthy food recipes.
Gym Alerts
Automated text alerts to your members helps to keep you and them in “real time.” As different events occur at your gym, sending out text messages to members will quickly alert them to what’s going on. For instance, you might be closing for a holiday, or have to close early because of bad weather. By letting members know in advance, you will help to combat member frustration instead of them showing up to a locked door. In another example, new members often feel intimidated working out in a crowded gym. Plus, it gives your staff more time to educate new members about their workouts. Other text messages can include automated birthday alerts and efficient member renewal reminders.
Class Schedules
Giving members timely updates on classes, especially when schedules change is critical to keep them coming back for more classes. Whether it’s a specialized class that happens once a month, or something that happens more frequently, you can create text lists to help remind them about the classes. If something comes up and you have to reschedule a class, you can let members know instantly and they’ll appreciate it more than you can imagine.
Creating More Club Revenue
With the majority of members using smartphones, clubs can now take advantage by creating a better member experience, as well as up-selling them on products and services. This can be done through automated lead generation, new member alerts, attendance and non-attendance alerts, incentive offers for family and friend referrals, promotional offers, club specials and events.
Text message marketing is most effective when you can engage your members with relevant information that’s delivered on a personal level. Creating a better member experience starts with education, motivation, or simply remembering them on their birthday. Increased club revenue can be the result of engaged members who refer your club to others; and by upselling gym promotions or services through continuous education.
Stephen Wilson is the marketing manager of ASF Payment Solutions. He can be contacted at 800-527-6898, or by email at
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Stephen Wilson is the marketing manager at ASF Payment Solutions and a 20-year veteran of marketing and advertising. His focus on branding and strategic communications in the health and wellness industry for over 20 years has earned him numerous accreditations and awards on national marketing and advertising campaigns.