It’s the start of a new year. Health clubs are booming with new members who are vowing to make 2020 the year they take back control of their physical health. Health club owners, on the other hand, are thinking of new ways to keep their current and new members actively engaged throughout the year. So, what are ways health clubs can increase membership engagement?
Offer Fitness and Nutrition Classes
Beginning a journey to a healthier lifestyle can be overwhelming. You ask yourself questions such as, “What types of workouts should I be doing?” and “What can I eat to remain ‘healthy’?” If someone is unable to answer these questions, their resolution of taking back their health will not last long. That is where you can help. While many fitness centers offer a variety of classes for their members, there are some that do not offer any sort of nutrition classes. It’s important to offer these classes, since nutrition is going to play a major role in getting back into shape.
Allow Access to Healthy Snacks and Workout Equipment
What good is a workout if your members go to a fast food restaurant right after? To prevent this from happening, provide your members a complete one-stop shop for nutrition. Give them access to protein shakes, healthy snacks and healthy beverages.
Most facilities do not have the space to put a full kitchen or customized smoothie station, or the staff to manage it 24/7. However, you can still provide your members with access to various healthy snacks and beverages through on-site vending, so their workouts do not go to waste. Plus, with on-site vending, you do not have the overhead costs of staff and can provide a wide variety of healthy options in a small, compact footprint.
If you are offering fitness classes, give members the opportunity to purchase their own workout equipment, such as yoga mats or resistance bands. That way, members can exercise, even if they are unable to make it to the gym. Did you know you can utilize smart lockers to vend these larger items?
Provide Member Incentives
What member does not love to receive free merchandise for their hard work? Offer your members incentives throughout the year to keep them working toward a goal. For example, give new members lanyards for their access cards, or members who go to the gym 100 times a free T-shirt. Additionally, you can sell these items to increase your fitness center’s revenue. Providing incentives ensures your members are always working toward accomplishing their goals.
It can be difficult to keep up with your New Year’s resolution of getting your health under control. As a health club owner, it is your job to make sure your members are active and engaged throughout the year. Help your members take back their health in 2020.
John Van Horn is the vice president of sales at Intelligent Dispensing Solutions. For more information about vending fit and intelligent dispensing solutions, visit