Managing a fitness center that is profitable, efficient and enjoyed by members is a difficult task. I have heard many people new to the industry...
Read moreDetailsWhen outsiders look at our industry, they can find it hard to understand the poor retention rates that it often produces. While attracting and keeping...
Read moreDetailsImagine if all your members achieved their performance goals. Now, imagine how popular you would be AND how your bottom line would look. Retention numbers...
Read moreDetailsAFTER SPENDING TWO YEARS COLLECTING DATA FROM FITNESS industry experts, Star Trac developed its Inspiration Strength™ line. The design gives clubs a sleek modern look...
Read moreDetailsAccording to their Web site, the U.S. Census Bureau considers a baby boomer to be “anyone born during the demographic birth boom between 1946 and...
Read moreDetailsKeeping your computers running well and free from viruses and malware is a must for every company. Following the best practices outlined below will...
Read moreDetailsBy: Carole Oat Keeping your computers running well and free from viruses and malware is a must for every company. Following the best practices outlined...
Read moreDetailsFor some club members, stepping onto the gym floor is an intimidating experience. Many people really want to work out, but do not know which...
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