It can be challenging for dietitians to gain new clients, particularly during off-peak seasons such as summer when many potential clients are away on vacation....
Read moreDetailsNutrition and exercise are both integral to health. Therefore, ensuring that personal trainers and dietitians are maintaining collaborative relationships is essential. According to Christopher R....
Read moreDetailsI commonly ask some of my clients, “What is the biggest thing you’ve learned?” Most of them appear to have learned something in common, and...
Read moreDetailsDealing with a client who has a goal to lose weight isn't always an easy task. There can be a lot of mental barriers, aside...
Read moreDetailsHigh attrition rates are common in weight loss interventions. Keeping overweight clients in the long-term can be challenging. Therefore, it is essential to continuously listen...
Read moreDetailsRecently, I had a client weigh-in, and something positive happened: They gained weight. You may look at me weird and throw a book asking, “You...
Read moreDetailsWeight loss competitions are used in a variety of settings outside of television, such as the workplace and gym facilities. These competitive events can increase...
Read moreDetailsThis is the last piece on building a holistic team. Last time, I discussed the benefits of having a therapist on staff. Having a variety...
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