Fix Studio in Minneapolis has branched out from the regular health and fitness club. The club is geared towards performance athletes that have a desire to push themselves to their peak performance. The clientele varies from Olympic athletes to people who are trying to run their first 5k.
The club helps people’s overall athletic performance through sports massages, corrective and functional exercises, performance analysis, group exercise classes and testing. Also, they offer an eight person Computrainer cycling studio to get race bikers working together for optimal achievements.
Although the club does focus on race bikers, they have classes that allow them to break into the club category. Along with their fixed bike studios, they also have yoga classes to help athletes get in greater physical shape while building different muscles and preparing their minds for intense physical activity.
Excerpt from chapter eleven of the book “You Started For a Reason!” The Gym Membership Success Manual…”Myths & Truths” –
Myth: Yoga is just a lazy and weird class to take.
Truth: Fact is some styles of yoga are very rigorous and demand much from you physically and mentally. Be sure to take a class with a professional first, before attempting these moves on your own. Pay attention, you just might learn something…and yes, you will surely feel something.