You have questions, we have answers. We took some time this month to speak with Jeremy Jones, the co-founder of Funktional Fitness, who shared his ideas on functional training’s future in the industry.
“Why has functional training become so prevalent in clubs?”
JJ: As more and more people are being educated on how our bodies are supposed to move, functional training is growing in popularity. Big-box gyms are quickly catching on to what many studios and smaller clubs have been doing for years.
“How has functional training changed the equipment found in clubs?”
JJ: One of the best things about functional training is that all you need is open space. Kettlebells, bands, suspension trainers and physioballs are replacing big, bulky machines that take up way too much room and can only serve one member at a time.
“What demographics do you feel most benefit from functional training?”
JJ: Functional training is for every demographic because it enhances the basic movement patterns that we were all born to do. Watch a 2-year-old squat down to play with their toys and you can quickly pick up on how our squats should look. Whether it’s sports, work or chasing grandchildren, functional training prepares us for success.
“What’s the best way to integrate a new client into a functional routine?”
JJ: Start by assessing their current movement patterns. At Funktional Fitness we utilize the FMS (functional movement screen) on every new member in order to help establish a baseline and to address any A-symmetries and muscle imbalances. After this assessment, a safe and effective routine is established to increase mobility, strength and endurance.
“How do you believe functional training will shift in the next 10 years?”
JJ: Functional training will continue to explode over the next 10 years. As everyone focuses on training for a healthy lifestyle and to feel better, look better and move better, less and less of the old-school machines will be needed. We must continue to train effectively and get our bodies back to moving like 2-year-olds.
Top Five Funktional Exercises
1. Turkish Get Up.
2. KB Swing.
3. Anti-Rotation Lunge with a Sandbag.
4. Plank with a Sandbag Drag.
5. Goblet Squat with a Kettlebell.
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Rachel Zabonick-Chonko is the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at
Whats crazy is that working with kids at a kinder garden has caused my performance and my body mechanics to highly increase. Who knew being around kids would help but it does because I started analyzing how they moved and doing what they do. They move so naturally. Great article Jeremy thank you for your awesome advice and motivation!