Encouraging members to participate in group activities isn’t always easy. But by thinking outside the box, Anytime Fitness in Mound, Minnesota, has found a way to use a unique piece of equipment to do just that.
Here, Tim Bowers, the gym’s owner, explains how the Jacobs Ladder has forged teamwork and community at his club.
CS: How were you introduced to Jacobs Ladder, and why did you decide to partner with them?
TB: My first exposure to the Jacobs Ladder was from an advertisement in Club Solutions Magazine. It looked unique, challenging and something that could easily be used to create hype and excitement within the club. Having members log the number of feet climbed, as if on a journey to the top of Mount Everest, was the perfect hook – I was sold, knowing so often we stay with and improve on things we track.
CS: What are the benefits to your members as a result of offering this product?
TB: We quickly went from two Jacobs Ladders to four, due to how many members talked about how fun it was to climb in a group toward their goals. Rather than getting lost in television on their own, climbing toward the goal of reaching Mount Everest on the Jacobs Ladder, and being awarded the Everest shirt, brought countless members toward a whole new level of consistency. We all know consistency brings results, and results become a major driver in retention. Every day dozens of our members will climb the ladder for 500 to 3,000 feet, and then leave the gym with a solid effort under their belt.
CS: What are the benefits to your business as a result of offering this product?
TB: Creating and maintaining an inspiring club culture is without question directly tied to retention. We’ve had so many new members state they were inspired by the Facebook photos and videos of their friends reaching Mount Everest, that they wanted to join the fun.
CS: What are the benefits to your members as a result of offering this product?
TB: Sharing Jacobs Ladder Mount Everest success stories on Facebook has been a wonderful way to acknowledge members, which has inadvertently become a great recruitment tool. Without question our Jacobs Ladders have been a huge hit, with over 80 members participating in the Mount Everest Challenge. Each member logs their distance climbed each day in the Everest book until they’re close to finishing. Once they’re within 50 feet or so from the peak, we record the last 10 to 20 feet of their journey to the top to share on Facebook. People may be hesitant to brag about themselves, but having their gym share their amazing accomplishment is a different story.
CS: Have you been pleasantly surprised by working with Jacob’s Ladder in any way?
TB: Yes, the customer service has been outstanding.
CS: What else can you tell other club owners about the benefits of working with Jacobs Ladder?
TB: I highly suggest two to four Jacobs Ladders, which will allow you to drive group climbs and contests such as the Mount Everest Challenge. Give away t-shirts and prizes for goals reached and share success stories on Facebook. We continue the Mount Everest Challenge, partnering with Jacobs Ladder, but we’ve also taken the challenge further by creating the Seven Summit Challenge, where members continue on from their Everest climb to the other six highest summits on each continent. Again, shirts are given away to acknowledge accomplished goals. Next month will we be launching our first Six-Minute Sprint Challenge to continue our Ladder Games.
Club culture is everything.
For more information on Jacobs Ladder and how it can benefit your business, click the logo below:
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Rachel Zabonick-Chonko is the editor-in-chief of Club Solutions Magazine. She can be reached at rachel@peakemedia.com.