Living a healthy, balanced lifestyle goes beyond physical wellbeing. There are eight dimensions of wellness, which include: social, environmental, occupational, intellectual, financial, physical, emotional and spiritual. As health club owners and operators, chances are you do a great job of addressing the physical side of wellness, but what about the emotional aspect?
“In the past year, we have seen the emergence of fitness trends that incorporate exercising both mind and body,” said Kevin Kavanaugh, the president of DavidBartonGym. “At DavidBartonGym, we believe that it is not only important to train your body, but also train your mind to be the best version of yourself.”
To help members engage in a more mindful health and fitness practice, DavidBartonGym launched its MultiLates class, led by instructor Alexis Pokorny. “We met Alexis, who developed this class, and appreciated how MultiLates focuses on healing and strengthening the body, mind and soul and wanted to bring that experience to our members,” explained Kavanaugh. “Just as any serious trainer should incorporate flexibility and range of motion into their practice through classes like yoga, we want to give our members the opportunity to also incorporate mindfulness into their practice.”
A typical MultiLates class starts with meditation, then it moves into a beginner to intermediate, but fast paced, Pilates class. “We wrap up by putting an organic face mask that I make in class, that sets while meditating,” added Pokorny. “I usually give a light temple massage with personalized essential oil blends.”
Pokorny explained the class focuses on healing and rehabilitating the body, mind and soul, in order to help members live happier, healthy and fulfilling lives. “I like to say there is an ‘on the mat’ and ‘off the mat’ effect,” she said. “Pilates was originally designed to heal and rehabilitate the body. I infuse a monthly intention, mediation, aromatherapy, astrology, energy work, music and organic face masks so clients not only receive a workout, but a deep healing experience that extends, ‘off the mat.’”
According to Kavanaugh, the unique class has been a hit with DavidBartonGym members. “The response from members who have taken MultiLates has been tremendous,” explained Kavanaugh. “For many members, this has been their first experience with meditation and they are in awe at how their mindset has changed. Many members have been returning regularly for the class.”
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Emily Harbourne is the former assistant editor of Club Solutions Magazine.